Securing Myanmar teak supply chains with DNA

In a move to facilitate trade flows for teak exporters in Myanmar, the University of Adelaide and Double Helix Tracking Technologies (“DoubleHelix”) have launched the next phase of a project to develop genetic reference data for Burmese teak. When completed, this system will support the Myanmar timber trade to meet increasingly strict import regulations in […]
Plant DNA evidence supports landmark Lacey Act conviction of BigLeaf Maple theft

The last of four defendants prosecuted for stealing wood from Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Washington State, USA, has pled guilty, in a landmark case that marks the first time the U.S. government has prosecuted a Lacey Act case for illegal interstate trade of wood products within the United States. DNA evidence developed by a […]
Medieval royal oak bed identity corroborated by DNA tests

Genetics testing used to prove authenticity of 500 year old medieval royal oak bed frame A richly-ornamented bed frame is finally unveiled to the public with its identity confirmed to be an authentic survival of Tudor royal furniture, with a bit of help from modern technology. Discovered at auction in 2010, research on its provenance, […]